Published on January 23, 2004 By Superpsych In Blogging
OK, if anyone finds my posts annoying/irritating/offensive etc. then please don't read them, comment on them, or flame me, as revenge can often offend...

I apologise if my last post was in any way "narcissistic", but I found it interesting to do, if a little long. I say again - if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!!

I would write more, but I've just realised the time and I have to do more work before the next person comes on shift (maybe I'll post about her next time - she drives me up the wall!)...

Speak soon, if you like me : )

on Jan 23, 2004
Oh do tell us all about the one who drives you up the wall. I love gossip, lol. GCJ
on Jan 23, 2004
Okay, firstly, anyone here can write whatever they want. I mean, look at half these blogs! And we've got the right to be as annoying or narcissistic as we want to be. And, incidently, it was just a profile. It wasn't narcissistic at all. Even though I think I'm spelling that word wrong.

And I've changed my mind. Sometimes it is perfectly fine to hate Americans !
on Jan 23, 2004
Thank you - I'm glad you're on my side! I know it was long, but it was interesting to me to do... Actually, I think you spelt it right : ) OK, I'm hating Amercians as I type - just kidding! lol