So, here I am again on a night, and I thought I would relate a little story of my driving exploits from the other day. I have recently passed my driving test, so I am still learning to drive around Exeter (where I live, in the UK) by myself, and not having someone there to say "LEFT NOW!!". I'm really crap with directions, and don't have a sense of direction either, so suddenly being able to drive by myself is both exhilerating and scary! I'm really having to rely on the roadsigns now, and ho...
I've been chatting away tonight, and I 've been talking about how much I hate the dark, which got me to thinking just now: what is so scary about the dark? Is it that someone could jump out, that they could be hiding somewhere? Or does it all lead back to monsters under the bed?? It's a very strange thing to still be scared of the dark at 23 years old, but scared I am. I can sleep in it fine, but having to stay awake in charge of a residential unit of 22 disabled people at night is not too nice!...
Here I am again, on another waking night. It's only 11.13 pm so far, and I have about another 8.5 hours to go, or there abouts, before I can drive home (another 20mins), and get into my bed. So I should hopefully be in bed by 8am! Myself and the 2 nightstaff have been on a hunt for food tonight, but so far we're not entirely sure what we want. I hate that feeling. I get told off by my Mum (yes, still!) for standing and staring into the open fridge in the hope that something nice has materialised...
Welcome to my weird ramblings induced by sleepless nights at work. This is mostly to pass the time, but could just prove interesting as I put my thoughts to "paper"! I'm creating this at 4.20am (UK), and I really wish I was in bed, but unfortunately I have to work. Being an assistant manager isn's all it's cracked up to be! We've been decorating the resedential home (where I work) today with tacky christmas decorations, so it's been a fun night so far, and then I ended up here, and what follows ...