I had no idea that this was a part of JU, but it's given me a good laugh this morning! Check out the referrals that lead to your blog site, and you might be surprised as to what you find! I certainly was...
He's a few examples of what the average Joe is searching for:
1 - My fingers are fat
2 - Look how stupid I am
3 - Uggs are stupid (What do you think this means?! lol)
4 - How to write a petition against gay marriage ( I can't believe this one led to my site!!)
5 - Where can I get to see Janet's breast again (OR THIS!!!!)
6 - Stupid looking cars
7 - How to make yourself look 5 years older
So, I'm now not sure what to make of that! Why on earth would my site be listed when someone searches for certain parts of Janet's anatomy? Or how to make yourself look older?? Very odd!
Let me know what you got - it's interesting reading!!