So - pot, marijuana, mary jane, dope, draw, hash, grass, bud... whatever you want to call it. I'm curious to know everyone's views on the legalisation of said substance. I believe that it should be legalised. There. I said it!
Before I went to Uni, I never even thought about drugs. I suppose I didn't even realise that there was a world in which they existed, just because they didn't exist in mine. Once I hit Uni, I certainly discovered them, but didn't take them. I knew there was a dealer in my flat, and I even gave him my access card to chop up some grass! Unfortunately, another guy in the flat took too many of something, and ended up in some psych unit. That's all I ever heard about him!
When I met my partner, I had no idea he smoked pot to start with. Once I found out, I really didn't like it, and we did tend to argue about it quite a bit. Gradually, over the last 3 years I have grown used to it. So much so, that at last new year's eve, I decided to try some, and have been smoking the stuff ever since. How's that for a turnaround?
It's a strange thing, really, as I find it a very pleasant experience, and wonder why anyone would want to keep it illegal. What harm has anyone high on pot ever done to anyone? Just laughed themselves to death, most probably!
So, I invite your views and experiences. If you smoke it, how did you get started? If you don't, do you want to? Why? Or why don't you want to? I really am curious! I can understand why pills, coke, smack etc. should certainly be illegal as you have no idea what could be in them, plus many other reasons. But grass is completely natural!! And not physically addictive, which is a good thing.
What do you think??