As promised, I'm going to try and put down here a few bits and bobs about me and my life so far. Probably more for me to take stock, than anything else, but please do read it if you're interested...
1st October 1980 - Born in John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK.
I don't remember a huge amount about my early childhood (who does??), but I do remember having to have a playpen around the Christmas tree to stop me opening the presents!
1983 - I moved from my first home to the home I would live in for the next 16 years. I went to the local primary school, and although I had friends there, I was always the ungainly one/not the pretty one/the one the boys weren't interested in. I can distinctly remember being left out of kiss chases! I wasn't ever interested in boys at that age though - that would come much later...
1991 - I went to secondary school, and carried on the clumsy theme. I had more friends here, but I would say we were the nerdy/bookish ones (but in a nice way!), and not part of the "popular" groups. Looking back now, I would have liked to have been more popular at school, but I suppose I wouldn't be who I am today (sometimes thats a good thing...), if I hadn't met the people I did. Being taller that all the boys at school for a long while didn't help matters - they didn't start growing for a few years!
It was around this time that I visited a child psychologist - shan't explain in any detail here, but it nearly ended up with me having an enema! I did say nearly, and yes I was only 11 or so at the time.
It was also around this time that I had my appendix out - my only operation so far, touch wood!!
So, are you bored so far? It gets a bit more interesting! (But not a huge amount, I'm afraid...)
1998 - I was in the 6th form at school (like college), and had finally become interested in boys (or boy...) at age 18. I had been friends with one particular boy for a few years, and everyone was telling us to get together, but both of us were too shy! It took a lot of alcohol for us to lose out inhibitions, and maybe we lost a few too many that night! (don't read too much into that!)
1999 - I went to Essex University. Thrown into a flat with 15 others in the first year, it was an amazingly different experience for me, and I discovered other boys! Was a bad girl and started seeing someone being my first bf's back (he was 300 miles away), then had a horrible time breaking up with him when he came to visit. Managed to lose my virginity (if you wanted to know that!) at age 19 with my 2nd boyfriend.
It was also this year that I was diagnosed with depression and went onto medication to control it. I was SO lucky that I caught it early, and I will never be more grateful to the people around me who pushed me to get it sorted, knowing how it can debilitate through their own personal experiences.
During my university years, I had 3 other boyfriends, and lived in a total of 4 houses/flats. I managed to get off my medication sometime around 2000/01, although I can never remember how long I was on it for. Strange, how that short period of time holds so much emotion, but so few focused memories for me.
I met my current fiance in January 2001, and we were going out by the end of February. We got engaged on my 21st birthday, October the 1st, 2001, and have been together ever since - we will have been together 3 years in February, which is amazing.
After no longer being able to pay rent after my graduation from Uni, we moved in with my parents in Devon for 1 year, before we found the house we currently live in, and we have been there about 5 months or so.
It has been an interesting life for me so far - I have begun to discover that I am a little attractive (although I still get embarrassed about this!), and I have gained so mucg confidence since uni, I amaze myself sometimes. I know I haven't done as much as some, but I have done more than others, and my life is my own. Yes, there is more I could tell you, but where do you draw the line? I'm happy to answer any questions, if anyone has any!! (I'm sure no one will)
Well, if you managed to get to the end of this, I congratulate you, and challenge you to write your own history!