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The wonderful ramblings of my mentalness
A petition
Published on February 4, 2004 By
OK, if you didn't read this article before this edit, then please read the comments, and I invite you to guess at the content of the original article! I believe I have created a monster... or did I just highlight it??
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Comments (Page 2)
4 Pages
on Feb 04, 2004
Yes Danny boy you art a legend in your own mind
on Feb 04, 2004
He is quite legendary in mine also... the most level headed 17 year old dude i ever came across!!!!
AR-15 - stop being a fundamental conformist.
on Feb 05, 2004
well.. you whacky cunt you..
not much to say since your petition did a 180.
anxiously anticipating your reply..
on Feb 05, 2004
how old are you 'deleted'?
Wahkonta Anathema
on Feb 05, 2004
I read comments of nonsensical nature in reply to some of my blogs. It goes with the territory. Brad has an interest in censoring such profanity from the site lest it be taken over as a child's message board and reduced to a level we do not have an interest in. Calling the owner a kike ought to be grounds for it. It would be held up under any review of claim of illegal censorship. Hell, Brad could probably sic the Feds on him for that comment. They'll start a folder on him and his friends and scrutinize all he says for future use in a Court of law. Largely such people end up moving on if they are unable to cause the effect they desire, so ignore him and he'll go away. He knows the routine, as it's probably happened to him since playground days.
The site is new and has good forums. We are building a reputation and others who visit often stop to reply or join (see how the numbers grow each day) because we have something going on here. In the end though, he is a reflection of his comments. I may not be agreeable to all bloggers but I know my replies reflect my views and impact. Dude, sorry you have chosen to waste your time writing such petty and un-intelligent profanity when you could have been making a difference and representing a point of view. You're only holding a mirror up to yourself, not seeing your own reflection. We see you and have no use for you after this. Who are you supporting for President? I'd like to use your endorsement for future blogs.
Dan Kaschel
on Feb 05, 2004
Wahkonta... I'd hesitate to call that comment clever per se, but it was certainly a brilliant exemplar of evading the point entirely. Nobody's gonna make it a legal battle, it's a blog site for heaven's sake. We're taking things way too seriously.
AR15~ yes I am indeed:) And no I'm not going to blanch at your empty accusation of pride. I know my strengths and faults.
Muggaz~ Man I owe you one. I don't even know you and you already stick up for me better than most:) Thanks a ton.
Deleted_~As usual I save you until last. I too am eager to hear from Superpsych... were I him, I would have deleted this article long ago to avoid further embarrassment. (I'm assuming that's possible, if not I apologise.)
Take it easy everybody, don't get too worked up. It's not like we have a maniac on our hands or anything.
*Scary Music* or do we...
PS yes, I know it's geekish to put a 'ps' in a blog or comment. so what.
PPS go to www.maddox.xmission.com if you want to see an evil genius. You'll start thanking your lucky stars for deleted_.
PPPS maddox is hilarious. I figured I might as well warn you.
PPPPS Geekish? Yes. Phenomenally fun? Yes also:)
on Feb 05, 2004
deleted- I came back here because I've read some of your stuff. It was very interesting to read your comment on Capt775's article about "it's happening to me", I can't remember the full title name. hmm, might be "Oh No It's Happening to Me"
Superpsych- there are times the delete button is your best friend and I almost wish I had one for my real life. Along with a mute button. Did you know you can not only delete all of these comments, but you can delete the whole article?
on Feb 05, 2004
People will rub you the wrong way in life. It's just the way it is. Now, the only person that can let it bother you is you. Just let it bounce off. Ignore it. Think about giving the person who bugs you 90 billion paper cuts then pouring salt on them....well, that's what works for me at least.
Dan Kaschel
on Feb 05, 2004
How is ignoring irritation and fantasizing about the torture of the irritator the same thing?
on Feb 05, 2004
"Take it easy everybody, don't get too worked up. It's not like we have a maniac on our hands or anything.
*Scary Music* or do we..."
I am not telling him my address... lets put it that way
on Feb 06, 2004
Dan, the second part was a joke. Sorry that you didn't see my humor in it.
I, personally, think the guy is an ass. Mainly because he has verbal diarrhea and has no clue as to when to shut up.
He also has no respect for anyone, which, to me, makes him pretty pathetic.
My vision of him is some young guy who thinks he has life by the balls, but in reality, he is basically just hanging on by a string.
Why he feels that he has to come on here and make asinine comments is beyond me. Why he keeps calling the owner of the site a "kike" is beyond me, also. Why such a hatred toward Jews?
It's all just a useless waste of energy. If people would use their energy to be productive in society, this would be a better world. Instead, they try really hard to be the biggest ass they can be. Makes no sense to me......
Just remember people- everything that you do will come back to you in the end......
on Feb 06, 2004
I feel pretty. Sometimes I don't feel pretty and it makes me act out.
on Feb 06, 2004
too predictable....way too predictable
on Feb 06, 2004
Ok. I'm here - probably eagerly awaited, but all accounts.
Maybe I went about this in the wrong way, but it certainly got people thinking. I really don't care if someone calls me a fat bitch, or a stuck up lesbian whore, or whatever stupid profanity they might be able to come up with. I don't care - they don't know me, and they sure as hell haven't ever met me. My problem is with someone abusing a blog that I put up which actually let people in on a major emotion I'm dealing with right now, and have been for a year.
Fine, if people are doing it for a reaction. You got one. Clever you. I give up! Put what you like. I'm not going to delete what you write, then others can see you for who you are. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, just to anyone reading. I'll still write what I like, and you can still have your say as well. Who gives a flying fuck.
Here are my comments on your comments:
1) Thank you.
2) I think I give up on a solution. I back down. I really can't be bothered to expend the energy.
3) I think I'll leave it up, as to delete will only beg for more, don't you think.
4) Please do. I believe that I am an adult, and I believe that I have a right to blog. I also believe in the right not to be verbally abused about an obviously sensitive subject.
5) I don't care about him at all. I care that he doesn't have any tact. Or is that against his rights??
6) Yeah, awesome. Maybe the kid was you? No, you didn't hurt my feelings. You pissed me off. Please, just comment on what you know. Couldn't you just leave intelligent comments, and forget the real offensive ones? Just a thought.
7) I agree. I don't want to give him the attention. I did it all the wrong way, I know.
8) Don't worry about being tactful - no one else has bothered! I have a thick shell. Maybe I'm not explaining myself properly!
9) Um...? Ok. Again, I'm not hurt. You might not give a shit, but I'd rather not have people write comments like you did. Obviously I have absolutely no control over that! I think I've now figured that out... Please can you give up on the baby stuff. You've had your "fun". Anything else, I really don't care, but if you have a tiny bit of humanity in you, then please stop about my baby killing itself and all that shit.
12) Troll!!
13) Looking forward to it already.
14) What?
15) No, lets not.
18) Anxiously awaiting yours.
19) I agree that this is maybe going a little too far.
20) Wow - my own blog site has turned into a forum of it's very own. PS. I'm a her. That's how come I had a miscarriage and this article, with it's attached abuse, could come to light.
21) Yes, but isn't that an open invitation for more? I'm expecting a lot!!
22) Indeed!
23) Why does it have to be the same thing? I don't think she meant it to be.
24) I agree. I have created a monster.
25) Yeah, maybe it all comes down to respect. I have no idea any more!!
Well, there you go. Thanks to everyone for commenting on my very stupid article (by all accounts). I am now eagerly awaiting (in anticipation) all the following abuse I am about to receive. Make it good, people.
Dan Kaschel
on Feb 06, 2004
That was a very graceful response.
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