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The wonderful ramblings of my mentalness
A petition
Published on February 4, 2004 By
OK, if you didn't read this article before this edit, then please read the comments, and I invite you to guess at the content of the original article! I believe I have created a monster... or did I just highlight it??
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Comments (Page 1)
4 Pages
on Feb 04, 2004
It's one thing to give your opinion on something, it's another to be rude, insensitive and obnoxious! Losing a child is one of the most difficult things int he world as some of you have seen from my post "my angel". Someone as inhumane as deleted_ should be DELETED! I agree that a block should put up, but it would be difficult to do unless they could do it by isp. Since all he would have to do is set up a new account. Hoping that someone will be able to take care of this.
I am sorry for your loss, and I do wish you the very best, and hope that you are one day blessed with a beautiful child
on Feb 04, 2004
I understand how you feel. Some comments can be very insensitive and others seem down right abusive. But I'm not sure what a good solution would be. I was caught up in a censor thing last night while I was trying to understand what was going on, ended up losing my temper and leaving. The nice thing about this place is that everyone is allowed to have their opinion and I was reassured of this last night. I know it can be disturbing, but this person is only showing their own stupidity and trying to bother you. I had a user delete a comment I made and it made me just leave their sites unread. Maybe if you keep deleting, this person will go away.
on Feb 04, 2004
Why don't you just delete the message and clear your mind of that. You can't prevent people being offensive. It's easier to make your life better.
on Feb 04, 2004
It's never a good idea to start deleting someone from a site like this. I could write a whole blog on why....and I think i will soon.
The fact is that by writing this article you're giving him lots of attention, and now he'll probably continue to bother you even more. I suggest you examine who's not being an adult here. Words can affect people sure, but if they affect you so much, perhaps blogging isnt the best thing for you to be doing.
on Feb 04, 2004
haha.... now the dude is famous!!!!!
I cant beleive you want a petition... who cares about some random internet user!!!!
build a bridge.
on Feb 04, 2004
write the fuck on JeremyG. I think it's awesome she made a blog to start a petition to ban me from the site. i think it's fucking halerious. She's whinning to the stupid kike Brad to have me banned.
Mr Fucks Dogs: Ya.. block my ISP. You internet h4x0r j00. look up "proxy" on your ask.com and see what you find.
JeremyG is exactly correct. There was this kid.. all the way from Elementray to highschool. People would fuck with him. It didn't matter if you weren't even fucking with him in the slightest, he was so used to being fucked with. But the kicker was, you could say whatever you wanted. "you're a doo doo head". And kid would FLIP out. I mean straight flip the fuck out. I mean yelling and screaming.. and making a huge scene. One time.. elementry school.. we were doing laps around the gym. There's nobody within 10 feet of the kid. instead of turning at the end of the gym, he just runs straight ahead and plows into the wall. then starts yelling someone pushed him. kid was crazy.
That you dirty whore superpsych is you. All screamin and yelling because somebody said something (on the god damn internet mind you) dat huwt your pwecious wittle feelings. awww. I'm sorry i no mean hurt your wittle feelings.
No seriously though. You're one stupid cunt. Your kid is better off. He would have committed suicide living with your dyke ass.
new-age nomad
on Feb 04, 2004
OH MY GOSH. I cannot believe you just said that, I did not know there were human being like you---being totally serious. I can't fathom why you would have the audacity!
Superpsych, I'm in agreement with most of your commenters; don't give him attention. When you see his name in your comment box, just "delete" without reading. This blog really was a little immature, but that DOES NOT give him the right to write something so horrible.
p.s. he called me a sheltered, fat chrisitan girl; but you know what? He doesn't know me. HE even wrote a blog about people saying things to you when they don't know you. You should check it out. ......something about ... biggotry..I don't know. He was just basically saying how can you take something to heart if the person who is saying it doesn't know if it's even true?
on Feb 04, 2004
Lots of people are looking for attention in different ways.
SuperPsych - I think your approach, in this particular milleu is... misguided. You may consider going somewhere a bit more nurturing, or grown a thicker shell.
on Feb 04, 2004
shake shake
shake them haters off
shake shake
hey trinitie.. you are a sheltered fat christian girl. Again. Talk to me in 2 years when you're licking pussy in college.
i'm starting a petition. Muggaz for president.
PoetPhilosopher: yes. I'm dying for attention. I wake up everyday wondering how I can impress TEXT on a COMPUTER SCREEN. it's really sad.
Why do I go around calling stupid cunts stupid cunts? Easy. Things like this blog. I don't need your attention, and if you keep deleting my posts, I'll find it even more amusing and make it a habit to check your blog site every hour to repost something again. I do it more as a social experiment. To see exactly how emotionally distraught I can make people whom could live thousands of miles away from me. Whom have never seen me. Never heard my voice. It's amusing. Wildly amusing. The fact that people have such low self esteem that they get "hurt" from something someone on the internet says. You could say shit to me in real life.. and I wouldn't really give a shit? Why? because WHO GIVES A FUCK. There's a small small handful of people in this world who could say something to hurt me, guess who they are? The people I *love*. Everyone else can eat a dick if they don't like something about me or something I say. Which is why I find this paticular situation ungodly funny. She's a puppet on strings.
YOU ARE SHEEP. Maybe that's why her baby died. She's a mindless sheep and he didn't want to be a hairy little bastard. Did the coroner investigate to see if the baby hung itself with your umbilical cord?
on Feb 04, 2004
my patience grows thin. reply whore.
on Feb 04, 2004
Umm. But I wasn't talking about you looking for attention ? Simplistic - you missed my point.
try again.
Tech Cat
on Feb 04, 2004
Unfortunately, there are many people on the internet that behave the way deleted_ does. They only act the way they do to get a rise out of people. The best way to handle deleted_ and anyone else who behaves like him is to not respond to their comments and just delete the offensive comments they make. By getting all upset and responding to their insults and offensive comments, you are giving them exactly what they want. Don't feed the troll.
on Feb 04, 2004
you under estime a guy with too much time on his hands at work and home. Delete my posts. Nothing would make me happier. I'll post a comment every hour. Do it.. i'm off to your blog now TEch Cat
on Feb 04, 2004
This total disregard for societal norms, this unmitigated train wreck is totally and irrevocably devoid of standard convention, this is a typical manifestation of the interuptticus trolliticus behavioral pattern.
Dan Kaschel
on Feb 04, 2004
hahahahahahahaha....wow... man I laughed so hard as I read this. I'm definitely putting this blog on my watch list. But first i have some choice words to say...
AR15, that was pathetic. "It's easy to be an enigma, but harder to make oneself understood." You got an 'F'. The average quantification of syllables your phraseology denoted had to be at least three or four. Come on, we're all smart people here, so stop trying to push yourself over as an intellectual. Oh yeah, and try some grammar for a change. It's online and it hardly matters, but if the shoe fits, wear it.
Superpsych, I ALMOST (almost, but not quite) agree with Deleted_. You may not be a moron (i've seen your stuff, it's good) but this wasn't the smartest thing in the world to do. In fact, I can prove it. I believe if you look through these comments you will see relatively few that have 'signed' your petition.
And finally... Deleted_. Still deciding whether to take my side with you or not. It's evident that you're enjoying your post, and i wouldn't deprive you of the pleasure of playing with the weakminded... but on the other hand JoeUser is a place with friendly people and I guess I'd like to see it kept safe for newcomers. I'm 17, and there are kids younger than me signed up. People really are naive, and though somebody that takes a joke about suicide seriously practically deserves to die (thank you, maddox), I would suggest that perhaps it's not your place to kill them. Wait for the to be trampled by oxen or something.
Everybody in general:
It's a blog site, and this is not a censorship. He can say what he wants and not only can't you do anything about it, it wouldn't be right if you could. If you don't like him then don't respond. If nobody responds to him, then he'll go away; as the son of two psychologists, I'm sure of it. And I'm just as sure that it won't happen, because however much people hate Deleted_, he's interesting. More interesting than any of us humble buggers.
That was fun. Let's do it again.
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